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The Transport&Logistics ACTUAL I.T. team recently attended the TOC Europe trade fair in Rotterdam. TOC Europe, which has a tradition of more than 40 years, is an indispensable meeting point for all those who want to learn about the latest trends and technologies in the port and logistics industry. It is the ultimate meeting place for the most important decision-makers, port and cargo experts, and solutions providers from all over the world. We discovered global trends that will shape the future of the logistics sector and met potential partners and opportunities for collaboration. 


Boštjan Petelin, Director of Business Solutions, and Erik Čirkovič, Project Manager, visited the fair to meet and network with their key partners. Important meetings included meetings with the Port of Koper, the Port of Bar, and the partner Tideworks. These meetings were welcomed to strengthen existing partnerships and to find new opportunities for cooperation.

TOC Europe is definitely an event that lives up to its reputation - a place where business opportunities come to life. We look forward to visiting again next year. 

Our Transport & Logistics team once again participated in the biggest event in general cargo - BreakBulk Europe, held in Rotterdam. The event once again exceeded all expectations, attracting more than 11,000 attendees from over 126 countries, providing excellent networking and outstanding opportunities to strengthen existing and forge new business ties.

The digitization of processes at the Port of Koper is not just the implementation of advanced technologies, but a transformation of business models for more efficient, transparent, reliable and safe port operations. In the May edition of Monitor PRO, we talked about our solutions in the context of the Luka DT project, 

You are welcome to keep reading!

We are pleased to announce that our project implemented for the Port Community System (PCS) in Georgia, the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia, has been awarded the prestigious EBRD Digital Policy Engagement Award 2024! The award ceremony took place on Thursday 16 May at the EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum 2024 in Yerevan, where the Slovenian Ministry of Finance also participated. We truly believe that this award is a testament to the ambition of our project, its impact and the ongoing cooperation between all stakeholders.

At Messe Stuttgart we visited Europe's largest trade fair for the oil and car wash retail industry, UNITI Expo 2024, which once again proved its importance with 18,000 visitors from 110 countries and 470 exhibitors from 37 countries.

April is a month of change for the ACTUAL I.T. group. In addition to those in the group's management, two other changes took place on 1 April in the management positions of ITELIS and ASTEC.

As of 1 April, we are announcing the upcoming changes and the next phase of our market presence, with Pavle Jazbec, a long-standing member of the group and former CEO, taking over the strategic leadership of the Board of Directors. He will focus his extensive experience and knowledge on shaping our long-term development and operational strategy. With his distinctive vision, we will continue on the path towards innovation and excellence in IT. In addition, in the operational area, long-standing colleagues in the ACTUAL I.T. group are taking over the leadership of the Group. Mitja Buda, who has taken up the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tjaša Peroša, who has taken up the role of Chief Corporate Affairs Officer (CCO) and Igor Hostnik, who is acting as Chief Operating Officer (COO). With their experience and dedication, the members of the management team will ensure the effective implementation of the strategy and drive growth and innovation in the group.

Actual I.T. has successfully completed a project in Bulgaria involving the implementation of a PCS platform for the ports of Varna and Burgas. The PCS digital platform enables smart, secure and reliable information exchange between all port stakeholders, improving the efficiency of cooperation and the competitive position of the port and its entire community.

On the day of our RoglIT event, 19 January, we faced unexpected weather challenges, caused by the abundance of fallen snow, which prevented some of our visitors and speakers from joining our RoglIT event. We know that your safety and comfort is paramount, so we have decided to run a truncated version of RoglIT and to postpone the carefully prepared lectures to a later date when we can be visited by all of you who want to come along. However, there is no reason for regret, as RoglIT is back with a new date.

As part of the expansion of its retail network of service stations, MOL Slovenia is introducing new services for its customers as a result of its cooperation with Actual I.T. 
Actual I.T. has developed and implemented a GLS mail acceptance system for MOL Slovenia, covering the entire retail network, which allows customers to easily order parcels for collection at MOL's retail outlets.
In addition, Actual I.T. has developed support for a new payment instrument, Valu (Telekom), which allows customers to pay at the point of sale using a mobile digital wallet. The new services represent the first phase of a broader plan that will cover the coming months and will be in line with the transition of the OMV (now MOL&INA) service stations. With this step, MOL Slovenia is consolidating its commitment and pursuing its strategy of expanding its retail offering to complement its core business of fuel sales.

A magical December took us to an unforgettable New Year's experience... In a relaxed atmosphere, we socialized, danced, and toasted together the successes of the old year. The Al Mulin Restaurant charmed us with its exquisite cuisine and pleasant ambiance, creating an unforgettable space for our New Year celebrations. At the party, we also presented awards to our 2023 Best Employees, whose dedication, cooperation, and positive attitude have marked this period.

The 2023 Colleagues of the Year Awards went to: 

Actual I.T.: Denis Pucer

Actual CROATIA: Sebastian Brenčić

Actual SERBIA: Aleksandra Perić

Itelis: Maja Grdina

Unistar PRO: Jože Flegar

Pro.astec: Gašper Oiclj

Thank you to everyone who was part of this unforgettable evening!

In a new business step, MOL Slovenia, together with Actual I.T., has successfully migrated the first petrol station, which was previously part of the OMV network, to the renewed IT environment of the MOL Group. The pilot project carried out in cooperation with Actual I.T., took place at the Krvavi Potok petrol station in Kozina and marks the beginning of the migration and renewal process.

For our Actual I.T. and Itelis employees, we have prepared a special day full of little surprises in November, which is known for the fewest sunny days of the year - SMILE DAY!

ACTUAL I.T. GROUP about to digitalise Georgian ports for the Ministry of economy and sustainable development of Georgia


We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone on our journey - the newly signed contract for the PCS project in Georgia with the Georgia Maritime Transport Agency (MTA).

On 16 October, on the day of the Global Resuscitation Day, Actual I.T. conducted an important training on basic resuscitation procedures and the use of a defibrillator.

We are pleased to announce our presence at GITEX GLOBAL in Dubai, one of the world's largest IT industry events! This gathering brings together some of the world's most progressive companies and brightest minds working to advance business, economy, society, and culture.
We are honored to join forces with SPIRIT Slovenija and the Združenje za informatiko in telekomunikacije (Association for IT and Telecommunications) to showcase innovation, excellence, and the desire to create more sustainable technology solutions.

In a heartfelt gesture of help and support for local communities, the Actual I.T. Group, which includes the companies UnistarPRO, Itelis, Actual I.T., and PRO.astec, has donated funds for the purchase of submersible pumps for the PGD Rakitovec. It is the youngest and smallest volunteer firefighting association in the Municipality of Koper, which, despite its size, shows great heart and dedication to helping the local community.

In the life of Actual I.T.Group, every step is an opportunity to grow, to connect, and to celebrate our collective efforts. This year's meeting of the entire Actual I.T. Group took place in the idyllic setting of Klub Kubu Vodice.

Our Transport & Logistics team attended TOC Europe in Rotterdam, where industry leaders from all over the world gathered to present the latest developments in transport and logistics.

Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam, which exceeded all expectations - with record attendance and networking at its peak.

Last Friday, our E4M team successfully held a teambuilding event, which was attended by teams from Slovenia and Croatia. The team building took place in Žminje, where our Croatian company Actual I.T. is based.

Our company Actual BH in Sarajevo presented a revolutionary solution DLMD - the Decentralised Last Mile Delivery project, a solution suitable for the logistics industry that could transform last mile delivery and bring a new era of efficiency and convenience. 
This car-sharing system turns every parked vehicle into a convenient parcel locker. This is beneficial for all parties involved: from the courier to the vehicle owners and the customers themselves. Erdis Škrgić, Managing Director of Actual BH d.o.o., explains more about this topic in the following interview.

On Youth Day, the Actual I.T. Group, which includes UnistarPRO, PRO.astec, Itelis, and Actual I.T., organized an unforgettable picnic for business partners.

We visited Munich, the largest trade fair for transport and logistics, which brings together experts and decision-makers from the logistics, telematics, and transport industries from all over the world. This trade fair addresses key issues affecting the industry and showcases new innovations with great potential for the future.

Public tender for the "Establishment of a National Maritime Single Window (NMSW)" in Montenegro

Public tender for the "Establishment of a National Maritime Single Window (NMSW)" in Montenegro

Actual I.T. Group is the perfect choice for anyone looking for comprehensive IT solutions for their business. As a group of companies, we have expertise in systems integration in the business areas of transport and logistics, port systems, and the management of large supply chains. We also provide comprehensive solutions in the implementation and integration of SAP business software in various industries, consulting services, integration, maintenance, monitoring, and management of ICT systems, as well as services and solutions in the field of information and cyber security.

The new partnership with the Port of Durrës in Albania, which has been active since October, includes the implementation of a basic PCS module with ship and cargo information modules. This is the blueprint for a new national port community information system - PCS, which will cover basic modules, ship notifications, and cargo operations in Phase 1.

Port Bar in Montenegro is our long-term partner. We have already computerized basic processes among the port community. Based on good cooperation, we have recently signed two more contracts with them to upgrade the existing PCS (Port Community System). This will include the development of a new module for communication with customs, mobile services and permits for the control of persons, and the upgrade of the reporting module in the port.

27.10.2022 09:18
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